Friday, May 2, 2014

Will America survive the BILL SHIT from Bill Gore?

Most will agree that corruption and abuse of power effects us all. To prevent corruption and abuse of power we should not let people who have scandle after scandle like Bill Gore hold office. The three biggest American scandles ever have all involved Bill Gore, with each scandle bigger than the last. The Ruby Ridge scandel cost the federal government 3.1 million, the Waco scandle cost the federal government it's reputation and it's hard to say what the 911 cassandra  will cost America before it ends.
      The Ruby Ridge Scandle made many American's realize that the Federal Government can and will violate a person's  civil and constitutional rights, even kill their children in order to save face. The fact federal agents shot and killed a little boy, his dog and his mother while holding his infant sister made Americans question the integrity of the Federal Government. When the Government's investigation determand that it did infact happen as the Weaver family claimed   and was  nothing more than a ruthless unprovoked gun battle laid out on a very humble family over a warrant, later dismissed due to "intrapment" reconfirmed to American's just how brutal and corrupt federal agents can be. 
     The following year when the Waco scandle happened and the world watched in horror via television as 17 children were burned alived by our federal Government the reputation of the Feds was offically ruint.  Most American's  are unaware that the head agents in charge at Waco were made up of the same corrupt and over zealous agents involved in Ruby Ridge, with Bill Gore being the one in Charge yet again. The fact this happened less than a year after the Ruby Ridge scandle and in a another State, most Americans assumed this was an entirely different set of federal agents  and this was a new norm unware it was Bill Gore. Bill Gore was then moved to San Diego as the Catholic church did their bishops every time a scandle broke about them. 
     Now American has the 911 cassandra which will be the biggest scandle in world history once the entirity of it comes out.  With 28 pages of the 911 commission report blacked out and everyone under a gag order most American's do not realize Bill Gore had a CI that housed two of the 911 terrorist and that Bill Gore assisted in very large Checks from a Saudi Arabian Prince being cashed for the up keep of both of those terrorist while living with Bill Gore's CI. While these two facts are not underseal they are kept on a very low profile. The  "two key witnesses" that Bill Gore has hide from the 911 Commission and other Authorities will soon be unsealed along with the 28 pages of the 911 commision report and the world will see how the 911 cassandra takes the cake out of all Bill Gore's scandles.
          When the Ruby Ridge happen American's began to realize how the Federal Government can violate our rights and be corrupt, Then when Waco happen about a year later, American's began to believe it had become a pattern with no limit of how low the federal Government will go and began to distrust  the federal Government. Now, with this knew 911 cassandra that slowy begins to link out, Americans have began to create wild conspiracy theories. With most of the 28 pages of the 911 commission report sealed and the "two key witness"  still being silenced the conspiracy theories are growing  wilder and more dangerous by the day.  America's  are talking about a revolution with out even realizing that every one of the scandles on the news are directly related to Bill Gore and these three main scandles. America needs to realize Corruption and abuse of power effects us all and to prevent it we have to get rid of the corrupt indivisuals after the first scandle and not just move them else where, because no matter where these types go they will create knew scandles with each scandle bigger than the last. So as America hears more about Beganzi, cartel's getting immunity, fast and furious, Gitmo's court room being bugged,the lawyer's and judges of Gitmo under investigated, nobody can find a boeing 777 that just disappeared, a Board of education membor looking bugged eye, talking to someone out there in TV land about a secret code that even a autism girl can decode remember it would have never got this wild had America FIRED Bill Gore after Ruby Ridge . America will be lucky if she survives what all Bill Gore's three scandles have lead too.  

Who will win the special need run away Vs San Diego R.I.C.O. whores?

 Who will win the special need olympic game of Special need runaway Vs San Diego R.I.C.O. whores? A successfull information war requiers the element of focusing on shifting the pardigm.
With all the assumptions, half trues, straight out fake and fabricated evedence,AKA Bill Shit, being the only information allowed in court or on any Government document many beleive the R.I.C.O. whores have won. At least "they" thought.
    The Internet has given a voice to the under dogs. Before, main stream media, the FBI and other law enforcement dictated what was told and share with society via media. Now, Americans can fight back agaist corruption by e-boarding and post-boarding in return unleashing an Information war from hell. This has enpowered even the "special need run way" who became a Cartel moma(mothering cartel children). So the question is who is winning this Information war?
    As main stream media is forced to acknowledge scandels to to big to cover up, very odd things happen, with Bill Gore and his goons going on news broadcast claiming very wild tinfoil style CIA conspiracies that leaves everybody scratching there head and asking "Is this guy for real?" 
    The Bengazi deal will not go away as more and more emails are leaked exposing how Freedomfighter and Terry Jones "film" was not behind the attack but just used as a cover to cover up a cover up of gun running connected to Fast and furious via FARC. The news media has repeated that Gustavo Cruz Lozano is a lier and is crazy about being the trigger man that killed border patrol  Brian Terry but get this the claims and charges against Gustavo Cruz Lozano are Identical to Mr Primitivo Cruz's wife charges in San Diego. And guess who Mr. Primitivo's wife is, yes the special need runa way. In fact EVERYBODY is crazy and liers accordding to the FBI. TOO crazy to be heard in a court for a jury to decide. Instead the FBI gets to decide. But with Rincon, El Chapo, Neibla and Castro making simular allegations and many bloggers on the Internet reposting their Federal filling with their claimsagainst "the grengo's" it's getting harder to cover up.
    Remeber in 2013 when "Gitmo's bizzare Censorship" happened. Gotmo's telavised broadcast to victims was cut off triggering and investigation that concluded the court room was being bugged by an "unknown" source that left panick among James Phol's court room. Then someone leaked out a 36 page manefesto written by KSM with many suggesting it was a code. A few days later a bug eyed board of an education commission broke out on live Tv with a bizzare message to someone "out there" about decoding a message that even " a person with autism could decode". And just when America things could not get any wilder a 777 boeing disappeared with out a trace that had 20 freescale employees on it. Yes a company alleged to have supplied the a unmentioned cartel with technology and private radio tower used to "take over Mexico" 
     Just as we all tell our self this story can not get any "crazier" we all get reminded of when Bill Gore and Richard Clarke went on news broadcast claiming a tinfoil type CIA conspiracy about 911. 
But if their claims were true explain why it was George Clarke, a DNA expert who declared the special need run away delusional about being "born in the United States, raised by non-Hispanics and English being her first language."  which lead to her being declared incompotent with out a hearing meaning "too Crazy" to hear in court. Do you really believe george Clarke is that stupid or was it CIA mind control that made him do it? LOL
     So, as we ask our self who is winning the information war? Just turn on your TV. The massive emails being leaked via e-boarding and post-boarding by alternative media on Internet is forcing the main stream to cover Bengazi, fast and furious, and the 28 pages underseal and the "two key witness" Bill Gore has hidden and every day recently MAJOR cartel bosses are filling sworn testimony that allege San Diego Corruption that is being passed around despite the main stream media refuses to cover what the allegations are. So you tell me who is winning?